четверг, 26 декабря 2013 г.

Патентный поверенный Полянская И.А.

Об особенностях патентования алкогольной продукции, а также обо всех новостях в сфере защиты интеллектуальной собственности читайте в профессиональном блоге патентного поверенного Полянской Инны Анатольевны.

Патентный поверенный Леонов А.В,

Про особенности патентования в сфере медицинских и биотехнологий, а также обо все интересном и новом в патентной сфере читайте в профессиональном блоге патентного поверенного Леонова Александра Владимировича.

Ценность патента простыми словами

Каждый патент имеет свою цену и ценность. Как понять, что важнее? Ответ тут.

Страсти по Евромайдану

Предприимчивый оппозиционный лидер собирается запатентовать знак Евромайдана. Подробнее.

Федеральная служба по интеллектуальным правам

В 2014 году в России появится новая государственная организация, занимающаяся защитой интеллектуальной собственности.

Apple идет в виртуальную реальность

Известная американская компания создает устройство, работающее по принципу виртуальной реальности. Подробнее.

Патентование в Молдове

Главы Европейского патентного ведомства и Государственного агентства по интеллектуальной собственности Республики Молдова подписали соглашение о проверке патентов и патентных заявок, которое позволит Европейским патентным заявкам и патентам приобрести юридическую силу в Молдове. Подробнее.

Китай и авторские права

Читайте об особенностях соблюдения иностранных авторских прав в Китае.

среда, 11 декабря 2013 г.

Patent Prosecution Highway System . Start January 2014

It seems that the PPH system is not widely known yet, though it is an effective system for applicants who would like to expedite patent prosecution in Russia.

Nowadays ROSPATENT has PPH agreements with Japan Patent Office, United States Patent and Trademark Office, Korean Intellectual Property Office, National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland, Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, Danish Patent and Trademark Office and Chinese Patent Office.

We are also pleased to announce that 13 intellectual property offices, including Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property, intend to pilot a Global Patent Prosecution Highway (GPPH) arrangement, beginning in January 2014.

четверг, 5 декабря 2013 г.

What do such big companies as Coca Cola, Gazprom, Toyota, Samsung and Chanel have in common?

All of the companies mentioned above have already received the protection of their trademarks in the Republic of Abkhazia.
As you may know, the trademark protection is limited by the boarders of the state where its patent office has issued the decision on registration, brought the trademark in the Register and issued a certificate of registration. The appearance of new countries on the political map of the world often creates gaps in protection of trademarks. Sometimes there it leads to the assignment of trademark protection, for example, the Czech Republic and Slovakia experience. But it can often be necessary to obtain protection for the new territories. That is what happened with the trademarks that require protection in the Republic of Abkhazia.  http://ipprolaw.com/news/world-intellectual-property-%20Abkhazia.html 

среда, 4 декабря 2013 г.

Simplifying access to patent protection in Moldova

The heads of the European Patent Office (EPO) and the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) have signed a validation agreement, which will allow European patent applications and patents to take legal effect in Moldova. The agreement was signed by EPO President Benoît Battistelli and AGEPI Director-General Lilia Bolocan in Munich on 16 October.
"This is a major step forward in our co-operation," said EPO President Battistelli. "This agreement, once approved and implemented fully, will simplify access to patent protection in Moldova, making it possible for applicants and owners of European patents to have their patents recognised in Moldova. It is a major contribution to strengthening innovation in Moldova, and creating new business opportunities for European companies in the country." 

"The signature of this validation agreement is an important step for the Republic of Moldova from an economic and political point of view," said AGEPI Director General Lilia Bolocan. "Given Moldova's strong commitment to European integration, the Government of the Republic of Moldova considers co-operation with the EPO as a priority. The recognition of European patents in Moldova will benefit Moldovan society by increasing patent quality, stimulating innovation and technology transfer, and creating a favourable investment climate in the country."

Under the agreement, applicants will be able to validate their European patent applications and EPO-granted patents in the Republic of Moldova, even though it is not a contracting state to the European Patent Convention. Thanks to the new agreement, European applications and patents validated for Moldova will have the same legal effects there as Moldovan ones, and be subject to Moldovan law. The Agreement still needs to be approved, and implementing legislation passed by the Republic of Moldova.

Co-operation between the EPO and AGEPI goes back more than 15 years, and has intensified since 2009. Previous co-operation activities focused on enhancing the skills of AGEPI staff in the area of patent administration and examination. Under the current co-operation agreement, the EPO will also provide technical and legal assistance for the implementation of the validation system.